My Image Collections


World Image Collection

The Image Collection contains well over 400,000 images covering 180 countries and territories in Africa, Antarctica, the Arctic, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Oceania and the South Pacific. We feature a wide range of subject matter and motifs.


People of the World Photos

The collection contains tens of thousands of photographs of people all over the world, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. Organized by continent, country and region, the photographs and the accompanying captions detail the cultures represented. You will find a good selection of candid shots of men, women, children and the elderly from a huge diversity peoples, including nomadic groups. Scenes range from economic activities, such as agriculture, industry, fishing, education and the arts to religious traditions, local festivals sports and other customs.


Religion & Spirituality Photos

The collection features photographs of religions and beliefs from around the world, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. We obviously feature world religions, such as Christianity. Islam and Judaism, but our collection also covers the more obscure, such as the animist beliefs of the Andes or Jainism. You can search by faith, as the photographs illustrate holy sites, places of worship and rituals of each creed represented.


Art History Photos

This collection contains over 200,000 photographs of works of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting on all continents, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. This library is organized largely by historical periods and geographical regions. Feel free to search our Art History Visual Library. Our keywords are organized in such manner that you will be able to easily find art historical subject matter by period or style.


Archaeology Photos

The collection contains over 80,000 photographs of Archaeological Sites on all continents, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. Organized largely by region, civilization and site, the photographs and the accompanying captions detail the site, structures, and cultures represented there. Our collection not only features famous well-known sites like the Pyramids of Giza, but we also have images of more obscure archaeological sites, such as the Buddhist Vihara in Paharpur, Bangladesh.


Photos of World Heritage Sites

The collection features thousands of photographs of World Heritage Sites on all continents, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. Currently, the UNESCO World Heritage List includes over 1,000 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world, considered to be of outstanding value to humanity.


Nature & Wildlife Photos

The collection features thousands of images of National Parks, Biosphere Reserves and natural habitats on all continents, making it a compelling source for image researchers, publishers and educators. Organized by continent, country and region, the photographs and the accompanying captions detail the ecosystems represented. You will find a good selection of wildlife photos in its natural habitat, as well as a great variety of images of plants and flowers.


Travel & Tourism Photos

The collection contains thousands of photographs relating to the world of travel and tourism. Travel professionals and tourism marketing specialists will find it easy to find photos that illustrate the world of travel, tourism, vacations, and holidays. Our images have been used in a number of travel guide books, catalogues, brochures, flyers, websites and multi-image presentations all over the world.